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Old 12-08-2010, 11:44 AM   #2
vexerr's Arena
OVR: 7
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Chicago, Il
Re: Power, Speed, or Balanced backs?

Originally Posted by Packfan8
Which halfback type do you prefer to work with? I'm a power back guy, give me a 230 pound plus beast who's going to run up the gut and truck would be tacklers. I have far less success with speed backs and I have trouble running to the outside.

The greatest halfback I ever had was in my Miami dynasty with a 5'11 235 power back named Ben Rush. I nicknamed him Bull Rush because I would call dives and iso's straight up the gut and he would run through the hole, smash through linebackers, then get the first down with the db's hanging off him. Anytime we went out in the goalline formation everybody knew what was coming but there was no chance you were going to stop him from getting the ball where it needed to go. I've never had a back since that had the strength, break tackle, or trucking ability this kid had and every year of recruiting since I've looked but can't find another animal like him.
I feel like bulldozer backs are incredibly hard to find in this game, but I would take one any day of the week. Preferably I like to have one of each on the roster to allow for different types of play.
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