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Old 12-10-2010, 05:10 PM   #24
OVR: 11
Join Date: Dec 2002
Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3

Originally Posted by huskerwr38
I am optimistic about Madden franchise if they are going to base it on HC09, however, they have a fear of it being too complicated for the casual user (they don't actually say casual user, but that's what they are referring to). Ian said that it would have to be streamlined a bit cause people would be like what is a restricted free agent? I think that is a very cowardly statement to make. Because if you look at the better sports games out there, they are very sim in their franchise modes. If people like the game they are going to take time to learn what needs to be learned in order to be successful at it. I have never heard anyone complain about a game being too hard these days. I always here people complain about how a game is too easy, too short, not sim enough or too arcade like. I never hear anyone complain about a game being too sim.
Very good points. I think the Madden team severely underestimates the Madden consumer, probably because their emphasis is on the "casual" gamer, so they automatically assume it'll be too complicated.

And even if that is their concern, wouldn't some of these things fall under the "teaching tool" umbrella that's was touted? Don't know what a RFA is? Great, here's your opportunity to learn.
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