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Old 12-10-2010, 07:21 PM   #6
OVR: 1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Re: Pushing and shoving after the whistle

I wish they'd make the post whistle shoving after the whistle more realistic. If I'm poking near the goalie when he's holding the puck and the whistle blows, I want to see a guy push me right in front of the goalie, and have my teammates respond accordingly, so on and so forth.

I hate how it's all just one on one. I also don't like how once a guy starts shoving you, it's incredibly difficult to shove back or to start a fight.

I just want to a bunch of guys on the different teams start face washing/shoving/holding each other back/etc. And I want to see it at or around the net, where most post-whistle stuff is instigated from.
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