Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3
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12-11-2010, 02:33 PM
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Re: Madden NFL Designers Podcast #3
In my personal opinion, MUT is a waste of time, resources, and space. You guys need to let Josh free from the MUT chains, and let him focus on F-Mode. Especially progression/regression, making it occur at least every 4 weeks (weekly would even be better), and have it more dynamic so that a poor performance could carry on to the following week (creating hot/cold streaks). And either dump the potential rating, or at least have it editable (on a 1-99 scale) for existing players. A functional IR, and expanded rosters would also be nice.
Wow... selfish.
You aren't into MUT. Fine. Neither am I, for the most part. That doesn't make it a waste. It's successful... extremely successful. You don't like it and think it's a waste. Grow up.
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