12-18-2010, 02:13 AM
Re: The Only Way I Am Buying MLB2k11...
honestly, after what i saw with nba 2k10 i am confident this one is going to rock. while i admit have not played this game, what i read here shows similarities between the nba 2k10 to 2k11 transformation. i also feel they are not just making a game to satisfy major league baseball, i think they are going to use it to pitch the NFL to show what they can do to promote their game.
if the money is close and even if 2k is slightly higher, EA has the relationship and familiarity so 2k has to not only outbid, but out preform. EA has done high quality jobs with Fifa and NHL, a pretty good job with Madden, failed miserably at NBA. 2k so far only has NBA to hang its hat.