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Old 12-29-2010, 11:26 AM   #7
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jan 2005
Re: Developing your QB's

Originally Posted by illwill10
Jucos sometimes have higher ratings than regular players. reruited a 4 star RB who was 68 ovr and a 3 star juco rb that was a 72

True but realize they are older and have fewer years of eligibility. Most JUCOs are Jrs - so only two years of PT remain. That same 4* rated 68, if you redshirt, then give him 2 more years to reach JR year eligibility might improve to a 74-84 ovr by the time he only has 2yrs of eligibility remaining.

Typical rule of thumb is if you need a starter/high rated player, check out the JUCOs. If you can afford to redshirt/build depth, usually is better to go after the non-JUCOs.
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