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Old 01-03-2011, 07:32 PM   #6
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bluengold34_OS's Arena
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Re: OS NASCAR 11 League(interest-PS3-360)

Originally Posted by Mo
1. Which system- havent decided, leaning towards ps3
2. Username on said system- miget33
3. Choice of car, and backup car-(Is there a list somewhere?) Jaime Mac and I dont know
4. What nights work best for you- Good most nights.
5. If you have 2 other guys for teamates, who they are- It's a confusing question Bob.
Sorry about the confusion on this question.

The people who are putting this OS league together kicked around the idea of having teamates in the league.

for instance:


We would be one team......we each earn individual points, but we also earn team points for team standings. I am not sure if we are going to do this, but if we do, I just wanted to know if the league members had preferences of who they would like to be teamates with(max 3 to a team)

Its just adds a different dynamic to the league.
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