01-09-2011, 03:49 PM
Re: MLB 2K11 First Look Trailer (720p)
I really don't see MLB 2K10 as needing "a very large turn around". Yeah it needs some work, but it's actually just a few tweaks away from being a very good game (at least the 360 version). As Radja said, there was a lot right with 2K10. Kotaku gave it the award for the comeback sports game of 2010. I don't care what anyone says: it was a better game than some people here give it credit for, and if VC focuses on the right things, 2K11 could really be a great game. Will it be on the same level as NBA 2K11? Probably not, but it still doesn't need "a very large turn around" to be a great game.
Last edited by jeffy777; 01-09-2011 at 03:54 PM.