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Old 01-10-2011, 08:52 AM   #8
JMD's Arena
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Re: 6 weeks into my first Madden 11 franchise

Originally Posted by JVM
Someone say the correct slider settings? Is someone saying there is a set of slider settings that corrects all the flaws in this game? If yes, please enlighten us with this amazing set of sliders.
What I mean by Correct Slider Setting is, every year I buy Madden on launch day. Form that day until the end of the regular season I play exhibition games against the CPU and during these games I constantly tweak the sliders to get the game to give me the challenge I'm looking for. On the all pro setting right out of the box I can easily win every game, so I need to play a bunch of games while tweaking the sliders to get the game to fit my style and skill of play.

Also I never post my slider set. I believe one mans sliders will not work for another. We all have different styles of play and different skill levels as well as different levels of football knowledge. So someone who has only been playing Madden for the past couple years would most likely hate my slider set as the CPU would be winning all the time. Just as someone who is more skilled then me would find the game to easy. I do my best to try and get the A.I. to mimic what I watch on Sundays, you can only do so much with sliders though, some issues are in the programming such as poor clock management and so on.

I use the Chiefs , always have, and so far , I'm at week 7 , I've had one blow out and the rest came down to the end of the game to be decided. I'm in first place in the AFC West at 4-2 , I got killed by the 49ers and lost to the Colts in O.T.
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