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Old 01-12-2011, 02:23 PM   #40
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Phobia's Arena
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Re: OS Exclusive Fight Night Champion Producer Video: Stamina, Endurance and Corner G

Originally Posted by Hova57
i don't have a problem with one punch KO as an ability because in real life there are many boxers that don't or can't do it. So they have to rely on combo punches even those who do have it still rely more on combo punches .

Originally Posted by Money99
Phobia, when you create a fighter, are you given a chance to choose one special skill (eg. 1-punch KO)?

Some fighters are born with a natural talent so it'd be cool if you could start with one yourself.
No you start out with a set amount of points and then apply those to your fighters ratings in any way you choose to do so.

Remember there are different abilities, starting from very low on the rating chart to all the way to the top.

For instance, one of the early rating abilities is the ability to "stun" a fighter with a jab.

How you invest your points is entirely up to your design, but there are abilities ranging the entire skill tree so everyone will have a mixture of similar abilities. It is the top tier abilities that will separate each fighter depending on how their fighter was built.
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