01-13-2011, 10:27 PM
It's really interesting to see how all of a sudden everyone forgets about the ps2 eyetoy which the kinect is based on. Kinect its not something "no one has seen before". We've seen it, its called ps2 eyetoy. Dr. Richard Marks from Sony was doing tech demos back in 2000 which prove the ps3 Move was concieved long before the wii and also that kinect its now something new. Kinect its cool for playing games that involve catching red balls with your grandma but other than that there's no potential. Its not natural to play some games without holding anything in your hand. Have you seen how stupid people playing kinect look? I assure you that in soe time microsoft will make some kind of controller/device that has buttons for the kinect. Mark my words. Sony was working on making games without a controller but found out the limits of doing that some 8 years ago, thats why they made the Move which is incredible precise. I have played both an the Move is by far the best. Think about it. If you want to be immersed in the game why would you want to see your own body moving in the game? Your body IS ALREADY moving! Also, there's no point of having something track your whole body; its a waste of resources. The important points to track are your hands, head and feet; its not like theres gonna be a game that requires me to play with my *** is it? Kinect its only
Selling because its a gimmick and people are ignorant and think this is the future!! Maybe it is but not right now. Not like this and not in 10
years. For me, the best motion contoller it's the one that its the most immersive, meaning: the one that makes you forget you are playing a videogame and puts you right in the action. So far the Move it's thr one closest to it. No noticeable lag, super precise and you
Dont see your own body everytime and everygame. Kinect does recognizes your body but its a useless waste. It has lag and ypu are remided every second you're just playing a game. Xbox fanboys try to hide kinect's failures by saying "even my grandma can play" or "its the newest technology" but if my ****** grandma can play a game that should be enough prove of how lame it is.