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Old 01-25-2011, 01:27 PM   #51
kevinmerida's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Feb 2006
Re: The "Commandments" of NCAA 12

Colleg Hoops 2k8 was great at this, coaches would move and you would see teams fall and rise. I remember specifically that when coach k retired that duke would sometimes fall of because they made a bad hire. I dont need coach names Im fine with coachFSU but at least fire him if he is doing bad and let coachwhatever take his and bring his style of ball with him.

Originally Posted by callmetaternuts
Make team style mean something. You can do this with a coaching carousel of some sort. It gets old controlling FSU and playing Ga Tech and dominating the option every time. 20 years down the road, the head coach should be gone and a new coach with a new system should be there.
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