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Old 01-25-2011, 08:31 PM   #61
War Eagle
AuburnAlumni's Arena
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Originally Posted by ipadblack11
6.' "Thou shalt speed up the QB/FB option handoff animation so that it shall be a viable option". The Triple option is fairly useless in that the animation of the QB faking and or handing off to the Fullback is waaaayyy toooooo slooooooow. This allows your opponent to effectively kill either your FB in the backfield or destroy your QB before he's able to turn the corner. Speeding this animation up would help this greatly.'''

So you wanna fix a handoff, seriously, a handoff. I guess that better then them adding the band to the stands. It's not like there going to run onto the field.
Uh yeah. I do. Because it is actually a big deal and affects gameplay.
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