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Old 02-08-2011, 04:18 PM   #3
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mkharsh33's Arena
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Re: 1994-1995 Season (360 Only)

Originally Posted by GaryT531
what's done looks good so far. i recommend playing around with the created teams uniforms a little. they all don't have to be the same style, and the color selection could be better. follow the uniform models selected by portlandblazer in his 90 and 00 rosters, and mine from my 1992-93 2k10 roster for better accuracy. i appreciate your work to make this.
Could you tell me which ones you'd fix? I might be color blind or stupid, but I thought they looked good to me...

I'm at work right now but saw your post. I'd appreciate any help you could give. (Please realize I'm 38 and this is a hobby of mine. I don't have time to dig up other files for comparison. If you could just give me more specifics it would help me. Otherwise I'll upload them as-is and let the individual person change to suit their needs. I tried to nail the Cav's colors and thought I did so perfectly (for example). So I'm not sure what looks wrong... Using created teams are not ideal, but it frees me up a lot of created player slots to use and I am able to give most teams 13-14 man depth charts so you can even call up a guy if you do a season).

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