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Old 02-10-2011, 08:27 PM   #54
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2002
Re: MLB 11 The Show Video: Torture Trailer

I'm wondering if some of the graphical details in this video will really be in the game, or was it doctored at all? Just some minor details like the lighting off of the top of the bat (towards the beginning there's a shot looking down at the bat and the bat looks REAL). Same with the ball. Notice the lighting on it as it's moving through the air in slow motion, after Lincecum releases the pitch.

Obviously on the whole the game will look this good, but I'm just wondering if little details like that were touched up for the trailer. Either way, the game looks flat-out amazing.

Speaking of the lighting of the'd be great if that was worked on this year. Last year, during day games, if you hit the ball into the shadows the lighting of the ball wouldn't be impacted, in other words it just stayed bright white even though it was rolling around in the shadows. It'd be really sweet if that was fixed!

Last edited by Drew127; 02-10-2011 at 08:30 PM.
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