EA/NFL Extend NFL Exclusive License by One Year to 2013
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02-14-2011, 11:03 PM
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Re: EA/NFL Extend NFL Exclusive License by One Year to 2013
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Then why do people not get on 2K for taking the 3rd party license for baseball games.
There are many fans of baseball who do not have a PS3 or do not like the ps3 and have to settle for 2K baseball and nobody can argue that 2K baseball is better then Madden football.
2K is always looked upon as the poor baby of the sports gaming industry but their baseball game has taken the license from 3rd parties and have done very little to make a great baseball game. They should be persecuted just like EA for what they are doing.
At least Madden is above average in terms of game quality and sales that it produces. 2K baseball barely sells at all and they do not improve the game like they should.
But barely a peep about it. Just because SCEA makes a game does not mean that all is forgiven for 2K because many cannot afford a ps3 or do not want to buy a console just to play one game
Should Madden be a better game? Yes but I can say the same for all games
Their $60 price tag should not be held against them because all next gen games are $60 and many of them suck
If Madden was so terrible and did not do much to improve the game then it would not sell. But it does even with the drop of 10%
The NFL is not going to say. EA we can't give you the license because you did not sell as much as the previous year. As long as EA continues to pay them that type of money, then is all good with the NFL
And for EA to pay that kind of money to the NFL it tells you one thing, that they are not near given up the license.
2K and other companies would not ever top the price tag offered by EA because 1. They can't afford it 2. They know that they won't outsell it
That is fact
Madden has decreased in sales every year since 2006 yet with more console owners. Madden 05 sold more than 11 and 2k was 19.99.
Says a lot!
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