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Old 02-15-2011, 09:09 PM   #277
videlsports's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Pennslyvania
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Well At least NCAA is a good game. The whole point though is that we lose as Sports gamers who want Viable competitors. EA made a Shrewed Buisness move because they stand to make some money even in a possible locked out season. Well I also just got word the NCAA Reupped their deal too. (, contact us section, a list of e-mails.. Got a response From Mr. Dave Kirk Patrick saying that the CLC reupped till 2014 too.. so No Professional or Amatuer, football unless it's from ea. (SMH) I don't have the same tune as I once did. Exclusive Lisences are going to be around. Well I say if EA and the NFL is going to continue to do this.. Activision or Warner Buy Take two.. Keep the MLB exclusive too and Pony up the Dough to Keep the NBA exclusive for 2k Also DO the Same for the NHL. If people say that's messed up I feel this way well that's what they said to us when The NFL and NCaa was taken exclusive. EA: football, and Boxing and soccer, 2k: Basketball College and Pro, NHL, MLB, And Tennis.
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