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Old 02-16-2011, 10:22 AM   #6
OVR: 33
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Location: Kent, UK
Blog Entries: 49
Just got the demo on the 360.

Only done a few races. First up, this is an improvement on the previous Moto GP games on the current generation of consoles. That said, considering how poor those games have been that's not a massive endorsement. Moto GP 10/11 looks good & sounds good. It is also evident that Capcom have at least attempted to bring a more sim experience to the game. However despite these attempts this game is still very much second best to SBK in this regard. Sure it looks better than it's counterpart but the way the bikes handle, very slippy slidy, you end up throwing your bike around & into corners rather than picking your way through the field. This arcade style of racing is reciprocated by the AI drivers who stick to their fixed racing lines despite what is happening around them.

Moto GP 10/11 is certainly worth a look but probably a try before you buy.
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