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Old 02-18-2011, 08:49 PM   #62
OVR: 12
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Toronto
Re: MLB 11 The Show Trailer: Camera Editor (Something Every Sports Video Game Needs)

Originally Posted by Simp
What do we mean by depth of field though? I think it gets confused sometimes. People take 2 distinct meanings from "depth of field":

1. Background blur, to simulate focus. The depth of field control in the Show's replay system incorporates this, but it's just a toggle.

2. The relative sense of "closeness" of objects along the z-axis within the picture. This is what I would love to be able to control. For instance, go into the game and switch back and forth between catcher and offset cam. It seems like the pitcher is closer to home plate in the catcher cam, because he's bigger on screen. I like to use the offset cam, but I'd like it even more if it felt like the pitcher was closer to the batter. With the offset cam in '10, it feels to me like the pitcher is 100 feet from home plate. The whole field feels bigger than it should (at least to me).
#1 is depth of field, however it's not just "background blur," everything outside a certain range (e.g. 20' to 30') will be out of focus. So anything closer than 20' to the lens will be out of focus, everything further than 30' from the lens will be out of focus. Everything within that range will be sharp.

#2 is describing optical zoom

Last edited by nmycon; 02-18-2011 at 08:52 PM.
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