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Old 02-21-2011, 12:30 PM   #6
VandyRedskins21's Arena
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Re: Changing player positions for better recruiting

Originally Posted by Girondin
Thanks for your input.
I was thinking of moving my SGs to PG, while trying to land a new SG. Then I would be playing with 2 PGs on the floor at the same time, and I was wondering if this would be a problem.
The thing I can´t figure out is, if a PG plays SG, do his abilities take a hit? (Same for SF playing SG, or C playing PF)
Basically don't worry about trying to play a 5 man squad PG,SG,SF,PF,C. If you do that you severely limit yourself on who plays and finding a good combination of players. For instance on my legacy I changed a SG to PG and he is my starting PG, then I changed a PG to SG and he starts at SG, then I changed another PG to SG and start him at SF, I have a SF start at PF, and then have a C and I have had good results from that. If you have 2 PGs playing at once it isn't a huge problem as long as the better PG is at the 1 and the better scorer of the two is playing SG. So it really comes down to how you play and what works best for you.
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