02-22-2011, 07:02 PM
OVR: 25
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: In the Birmingham area
Re: A "sim" question, or Boxing 101
James Toney, Money May and Tyson were all three boxers who countered well on the inside. Inside pressure with a counter punchers mindset is also something Lucian Bute does as well. Heck, it's my style as well. You need head movement, block strength, foot speed (get in and out) and I'd build my hooks or uppercuts. Something else is I'd chose average as a reach. Too long or short and you'll be shooting yourself in the foot and it'll be like the demo where vs. the CPU when I'm Tyson I always have a hard time getting to him because his reach is very short and can't reach Ali unless he's right there.