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Old 02-22-2011, 10:17 PM   #95
I can't feel it
Jgainsey's Arena
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Re: MLB 11 The Show Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by PLite14
I can't decide if the commentary was slightly improved or made worse by Karros. There was one instance where Karros and Vasgersian actually were talking to eachother about why the Giants were a championship team, but it sounded kind of funny. Something just sounds different from the others when Karros talks.
I hated Rex as much as the next guy here, but Karros is definitely not the answer to any of the problems in that department. Other than simply having a less annoying speaking voice than Rex, it's probably worse in every other way.

It has a very tacked on sound to it, and hardly ever sounds natural. Plus, it doesn't help that Karros sounds completely different than the other two guys. I don't know if they recorded him in a different manner, but whatever it is, awkward sounding commentary is the result.

On the plus side, this is basically the only gripe I have so far... everything else is great.
Now, more than ever
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