02-23-2011, 09:05 PM
OVR: 3
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: West Unity, OH
Re: CJ Wilson Pitch types?
According to last year's pitchFX C.J. throws a 2-Seamer (26.1%), Cutter (20.3%), 4-Seamer (17.7%), Slider (15.5%), Changeup (12.5%) & Curveball (7.9%)
Lincecum throws a 4-Seamer (39%), Changeup (21.8%), Curveball (16.2%), a 2-Seamer which for him is really more of a Running FB in the game (14.3%) and finally a Slider (7.4%). It also lists a Cutter but only 0.8% of his pitches and since the game doesn't have a sixth pitch this wouldn't be included.