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Old 02-26-2011, 12:32 PM   #87
OVR: 16
Join Date: Nov 2010
To be fair, I was disappointed with the NBA 2K11 demo. And, we all know how that turned out.

That said, it has long been the case that The Show series has taken the smallest steps forward from year to year out of all the major sports franchises available. The argument that a one year cycle is not enough time doesn't hold up under scrutiny. Look at Madden 09 to Madden 10, NCAA 10 to NCAA 11 and, of course, NBA 2K10 to NBA 2K11; all huge jumps in one year.

The reality is that The Show was built on half a foundation and they would need to tear down the whole house to implement things that should have been elementary. The other reality is that there are people who work for SCEA who visit these boards and people who all but (and usually want to) work for SCEA who visit these boards and a small percentage of dead behind the eyes zombie fans. All three will fight you to the death to protect the game (the first being understandable, since it's their job). I give credit to the three from the article who spoke their truth. It's refreshing to see that viewpoint on OS.
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