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Old 02-28-2011, 01:40 PM   #10
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Money99's Arena
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Re: FNC: Sliders not working

Originally Posted by Steven547
Because it's the trend with EA the past couple years. Push the game out early, regardless of the issues, so try and make as much money as possible, then release some "blanket" statement: "We are aware of the slider issue and are currently working on a fix". Which comes in the form of a small patch that still doesn't fix all the issues, then they say "Next Year".... Same story different year. Sorry to sound negative, but EA does this with all their games. It's all about money not quality. This is not about some trunks that are a different color, it's about an issue that greatly affects gameplay. And your question about how it gets through the development cycle, well, archeologists will probably find the Holy Grail before we get an answer to that question.
It's especially bad when you consider this game had a 2-year development window.
Hopefully it's fixed soon.
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