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Old 03-02-2011, 01:31 AM   #326
OVR: 3
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: West Unity, OH
Re: MLB 2K11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (PS3/360)

Originally Posted by Redemption
seriously, complaining that 2k's stick movements aren't realistic... its a video game, you're using your thumbs! And then your response to the "unrealistic sticks" is to play with what, uber realistic button scheme? If you want realistic motions, why don't you try leaving the house and throwing a baseball.
He has a valid point about the random stick movements. For me it's not so much the randomness of it that bugs me, it's that you complete it and then the pitcher performs the pitch. In the other game, regardless of which control scheme you choose, you have to perform the pitch as your pitcher goes through his windup. And to me that just seems a hell of alot more realistic. And for the record, I love the other games analog controls, I think they out did 2K 10 fold. Not even close IMO.
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