played the demo yesterday and today (PS3).
- the game is fun
- the camera angle after contact is made while batting
- the presentation (load screen and after)
- stadium size is big
- the fielding meter (look and feel)
- improved animations when fielding
- the graphics are terrible imo. even if a face is accurate it doesn't look like a real person; there are jaggies everywhere (stadiums, player shadows, etc.)
- the framerate sporadically drops when i'm batting after contact is made (not only fouls)
- the quick bat retraction effect on follow throughs when batting
- sporadic sped up animations when watching RTP
- players morphing through each other. i hit a two run shot with j.hamilton. i LOVED how it showed both runners rounding the bases all the way home, but j.hamilton morphed right through the other players after touching home.
- when players aren't moving during any given moment of RTP, they just look like zombies
- no commentary. i haven't purchased an mlb2k game since 2k7 (i still play 2k7 by the way
). i was really looking forward to the commentary since it is known to be stellar. oh well, i'll have to wait until user videos, and video reviews.
I'm still on the fence about the game. I know I seem negative about it, but it does have a fun factor. IMO, fun matters alot and coupled with stellar presentation and commentary it's amazing how many problems don't seem "that bad" when you're so engrossed in the "atmosphere". So, I'm thankful for OS and it's contributors because I rely on you guys so much because I don't have the funds to just go out and buy every game released and hope for the best. Can't wait to read/see/hear you guys' input on the retail version when released.