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Old 03-03-2011, 06:24 PM   #41
FroznYogurt's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video: U Want Me - Start Voting For Your Cover Athlete

Originally Posted by Pokes404
Sometimes I think they're messing with us. How would an event such as the cover athlete be "huge news" when it happens every year? I guess the fact that we can vote on the athlete is new, but didn't Madden do that last year?

If this is all that comes out today (which it may not be), they're going to get some backlash from this. If they had just said, "We'll be making an exciting announcement about NCAA 12 tomorrow on First Take," everything would have been just fine. But when you hype it to be some kind of ground-breaking, "huge" event, and all it is is another marketing ploy, it doesn't help your image in the eyes of those who already think EA is more interested in making money than creating a simulation football game. Even if that is the case, you don't want people to think that about your company. Very disappointing, again, if this is all that comes out today.

This doesn't mean they might not have a lot of great things in store for NCAA 12; however, there are people who are a lot harder on EA than I am, and even I'm pretty let down and find myself scratching my head about how they handled this announcement. I can just imagine what those other people think.
Agreed, well said
FroznYogurt is offline  
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