03-05-2011, 09:02 PM
Hall Of Fame
OVR: 26
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Saginaw, Michigan
Posts: 17,086
Echinacea, and other common cold remedies
Has anyone ever tried Echinacea herb to fight the common cold or to boost your immune system? My friend swears by it, but I was reading online about a study that proved it was ineffective. Moments later I found a second article saying the original study was flawed because the participants didn't take the recommended dosage.
I was at the store today and meant to buy some and try for myself but it slipped my mind. Now I'm home and my throat is scratchy and I have that well known feeling of an oncoming illness.
In the past my method was to drink mixtures of Emergen-C the minute I started feeling bad. I'd drink those twice a day every day while sick. I've been feeling like it doesn't help because I end up sick the same duration whether I drink that stuff or not. Now I want to find other methods to fight the cold besides the standard OTC cold medicines.
So has anyone tried Echinacea before? Or possibly have some home remedies that work well to share?
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