03-10-2011, 02:55 PM
dare i say...en fuego?
OVR: 14
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Georgia
Posts: 698
Re: 2011 Atlanta Braves Edits
Atlanta Braves- my suggestions
Mike Minor- Gen 12 (nice smooth motion, hands could be a lil higher but i like it)
Brandon Beachy- John Danks (starts hands low, then brings them up before release)
Eric O'Flaherty-Brian Wilson (quick leg lift, and brings hands up)
Scott Proctor- Gen 113 (stands up straight in the stretch, very straight forward delivery)
Christhian Martinez- Jonathan Broxton
Craig Kibmrel- Jack Taschner (not really stuck with this, still looking)
David Ross- Paul Konerko
Brooks Conrad- Chase Headley
PSN: OverPar8