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Old 03-15-2011, 09:29 PM   #10
OVR: 9
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Re: Madden NFL 12 Teaser Video Releases Early Next Week, Several New Features to be S

For Franchise, here are some features that I'd like to see : I want to be told that injury reserve, for the for time in the history of the Madden franchise, will actually serve a purpose; which means that it will clear a roster spot. I'd like to know that we'll have extended rosters in the off-season, and pre-season, so pre-season actually serves a purpose. finally, I want to be informed that EA will no longer be telling me how many full backs or defensive linemen I have to carry on my roster, and allow mean to create a 53 man roster to my liking, as well as a 45 active game-day roster.

For game-play, I'd like tiered play-calling, or pre-snap options, that can be used in the play-call screen that will deliver the same options. I'd like strength and size to actually make a difference. I'd like to see some individuality among players, and I'd like Pro-Tak to allow me to tackle ball carrier, or join it on a tackle, while the ball carrier is currently engaged in an animation with another defender; basically, I want consecutive-hit tackling to finally be in the game.

Now I know that I won't be getting all of that, next week, or when the game releases, but I'd like to at least get some of them.

Last edited by LiquorLogic; 03-15-2011 at 09:32 PM.
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