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Old 03-26-2011, 12:22 AM   #316
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Re: NASCAR The Game 2011 Q&A and Impressions

Originally Posted by Rules
Thanks, I have read enough. It is not uncommon to get the pole and find yourself in the back when it all ends. Isn't that how Daytona usually end? As a matter of fact, I can shut my eyes and see how this race unfolded for you. Sounds to me like real life and though I know the game isn't perfect especially for a first year effort, I have a feeling this game will only get better once they get the kinks worked out. I appreciate the time you put in for us and the honesty which I have and always will respect. Once my Amazon $25 back for TW 12 and $10 for Shift 2 unleased post to my account, this is where I will put the money. Should have the PS3 version by next weekend at the latest.
Thank's Rules...I really appreciate the kind words bro. Hit me when the eagle has landed brother!

Originally Posted by redsox111820
What kind of music is in the game Blue?

Damn good question.......and I couldn't tell you to save my life. I have no idea if it's even a real soundtrack. I can't honestly recall any real music playing, it ll just sounded like "score" music. Next time I jump back on the PS3, I will make it a point to listen and look for ya.
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