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Old 03-27-2011, 03:53 PM   #47
DurtySoufReppin's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Tennessee
Re: All-Time Greats Roster "Back To The Future V2.0" (PS3)

yes I understand but this is an All Time Greats roster..

Christian Laenter is not an all time great... he barely stayed with a team for more than 2 years

Mcdyess was a 20 and 12 guy still improving before he was plagued with an injury.

There are countless players in the NBA who averaged 12 pts and 7 rebs.. I'll add him to free agents because he's not good enough to fill a roster spot that can be used by a better player

Roster will be done soon... been busy lately..
Pre-NBA 2k12 V3.0 (360)
All-Time Greats Roster "Back To The Future"(PS3)
U.S. Army
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