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Old 03-28-2011, 03:35 PM   #8
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Join Date: May 2010
Re: FN Champions Patch Impressions

Just got done playing a game online. The punch accuracy is the most noticeable in my opinion. The punches seem to have more snap in them and seem more crisper. The movement of the fighter is more polished overall. They have done away with the counter auto block (not completely) but a very big improvement;I'm happy about that,... Haymaker spammers will hate it lol. You have to really pick your shots, my connect rate was 43% my opponents was 33% (which is very realistic in terms of real boxing). I still see a issue with the stamina portion, the opponent I faced threw nothing but HAYMAKERS the whole fight and wasn't penalized for it, but I've only played once so it could be an unfair assessment as far as the stamina goes. Overall I say EA did a good job, they cleaned up allot of the major issues, IM SATISFIED (so far lol). Also a side note. The new DLC's are there but are not up for purchase, finally they'll have someone to compete with Robinson in middle weight and ALI in Heavy (Roy Jones, Hopkins, & Joe louis, Patterson).
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