04-02-2011, 01:58 PM
OVR: 15
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: united states
Re: Why Line Play Will Never Be Realistic in Football Games
^^^^^I agree.
Also, the ability to throw to receivers at anypoint in their route needs to be severly penalized. I guess this is pretty much what everyone is referring to when wanting route based passing implemented.
Right now QB's in Madden can just receive the snap and throw immediately before the d can even try to defend or react.
For head to head games, it's infuriating when my opponent can hike the ball and within a second or less, drill the ball to his TE over the middle or a RB heading to the flat literally before my d-lineman can get out of their 3 point stance.
Online this tactic is almost impossible to stop and it's silly that the d can be hamstrung soo badly by this move. It's not even a 3 step drop, it's more like a 1 step drop. And it completely eliminates any chance of getting pressure on the qb.
The QB should take a huge accuracy hit when the ball is thrown immediately after the snap, when the receiver is barely into his route. This in itself would require the QB to hold the ball longer, and atleast give the d line a chance to establish some kind of pressure.
IMO, route based passing and better animating oline/dline interactions would help mask alot of the other missing fundamentals currently not in the madden franchise.