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Old 04-04-2011, 04:44 PM   #4
OVR: 1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Re: swing question with move

Originally Posted by rmcguire
played with Fowler at Augusta and it almost all my swings I could never get above you need to have it where it says aim down/swing moreso than when it says out of view as I can still swing with both, but no matter where Im standing I can never get my power in the 90s, hence most shots over water end up in the drink...any tips provided would be much appreciated..

Try this...

Swing with only your right arm (if you're right handed). On your back swing, bring the Move controller back at a decent tempo and at the top of your back swing make sure that the Move controller is pointing past parallel before you begin your down swing.

Make sure that your down swing is at a faster tempo than your back swing. And continue your follow through as you would with a club in your hand.

Try this a few times while increasing the tempo (speed) of the swing.

If you can still not reach 90+% then you probably have a hardware issue as Smiley79 said.
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