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Old 04-05-2011, 08:39 PM   #1011
Chaos Theory
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Re: MLB 11 The Show - Operation Sports Full Minors 2011 (Spring Training Version)

Originally Posted by eamuscatuli15
hey Maj, Your roster set(based off knight's and others great set) looks like it might be right up my alley for a franchise! i guess this is the crux of it all...either go with hustlin's 25 man only roster then add the rest of the 40 to that (which takes a little time), or go with yours or kNIGHT's set and have to re-do the lineups?

that's what it gets down to right? which one of those options takes less time?

thanks guys
Like I said before, I have always just subtracted the 15 guys before Spring Training ends because I have a list of all the Opening Day 40 Man's printed out. It takes about 10 minutes, give or take, for me to do it because I know exactly who I'm looking for with the list right in front of me.
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