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Old 04-06-2011, 01:13 PM   #5
Mo's Arena
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Re: ***Official MLB 11 The Show Bugs Thread***

Not sure what it is, but it just happens

Whats the bug?Game lock up, can hit start button, but nothing works

What game mode did you experience the bug/glitch in? (Gameplay, RTTS, Franchise, Online, Front End, etc.....) Franchise

How did it happen or what did you do to trigger it? Can you recreate it? I was hitting vs CPU, 3-2 count. Picht thrown, make no contact, but's called a foul ball. Next Pitch I put in play up the middle, but it's called a foul ball, and game locks up

How often can the bug be reproduced?Not Sure

Do you have video or pictures? Yes, kinda
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