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Old 04-07-2011, 07:26 PM   #1086
sink4ever's Arena
OVR: 9
Join Date: Dec 2004
Re: MLB 11 The Show - Operation Sports Full Minors 2011 (Spring Training Version)

Originally Posted by ksig24
Quick question for you guys. How exactly do I use the player vault? I downloaded the OSFM set from the roster vault and I noticed a lot of players being A potential. Considering I have not contributed to this set as of yet I dont really know what has transpired from the set. Do I go online and replace certain players with ones from the vault? I'm lost!
You download individual players from the player vault to your PS3's HD. Then, you can go to Roster Control from the main menu of the game, click on a player, and replace him with one of the individuals that are now on your HD (pitcher for pitcher, position player for position player).

The reason a lot in the OSFM rosters are 'A' is because of a "glitch" in the create a player feature. You can use this to get an accurate face of a player that used to be in The Show. See this thread for more details:
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