04-11-2011, 12:35 PM
OVR: 8
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Western New York
Re: Casual gym, long season, two fights a week and some sparring, interest anyone?
I'm down.
You guys should enjoy beatin' on me as I am only average at this game for some reason. Really though, I would hope that the online gyms can be a place where practice and techniques could be shared to help make you a better player, like the fightcards are being used in EA MMA. (Really regret trading that in. I am going to buy it back since it's only $20.)
I read so much about spamming and cheesing and I think to myself why don't we just play each other in a private gym. I have yet to try a gym, I sent a join request to OS gym and haven't heard back since, been over a week.
As I mentioned, I'm interested and really want to use this to try to get better at the game.
PSNID: MrMars909