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Old 04-29-2011, 09:20 AM   #309
Animal Liberation
EnigmaNemesis's Arena
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Re: MLB 11 The Show Title Update 1.16 Fix List

Originally Posted by lendog691
I've been saying this for a few years now but the first two months we are used as testers to figure out what the bugs and glitch's are and after the 3rd patch comes out sometime in mid to late May the game will be complete for this year, basically what I'm saying is that all sports games now come out with out being tested to much so your basically paying for an incomplete product and i don't think it's right or fair to the people that play these games.
Trust me when I say, you can only test so much in house, with small sample size of people.

The games are much, much bigger than they have EVER BEEN. Do more things, etc.

Once a game hits, your sample size goes from 20+ (estimated) to 100,00+ people. There is going to be way more variables and scenarios to run into.

Just be thankful we have patches now a days, back in the day you just dealt with game breaking bugs, and no way to fix them.

I also think SCEA-SD is some of the best in the biz at delivering not only feedback, but great fixes in their patches. And this game truly is one of the least buggy out of all the sports franchises, and does much more in it, than same said franchises.
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