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Old 04-30-2011, 01:39 PM   #63
ChaseB's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 First-Look Preview

Originally Posted by BleedEaglesGreen
Chase were there any improvements to the end of game recap?
I still have not made it to the end of a game, but if they didn't try to point it out then my educated guess would be to say no.

Originally Posted by ch46647
Chase, next time you play please pay attention to the "stadium atmosphere." What I mean by this is are the crowds finally dynamic? Are there ebs and swells in the crowd that sound like a real NFL stadium? Do they react to appropriate situations on the field?

I personally feel one of the bigger dissapointments as far as presentation goes in recent Madden's has been the crowd noise. It almost puts you to sleep with the same repetitive crowd sound cycling over and over....
As I have said before, sound is tough to gauge at these events. I will focus on this perhaps at E3, but for now I just don't have much to say on this front. I agree that this aspect is important.

Originally Posted by kackle85
I know you said you werent covering game play but can you just give us a thumbs up or thumbs down at least?......the anticipation is killing me!
What would be the fun of that? Gameplay preview early next week, though I can't say if I'll really be too high or low about gameplay.

Originally Posted by Philliezfinest
Great write up chase. I'm really lookin 4ward to finding out more info bout da game. But I do have a question I don't know if u seen any footage of a game played n snow or rain but can u find out if u did not realize yet if the different type of weather will effect how da game is played in those conditions
Not sure how it affects the gameplay yet, but the snow looks really good, and the rain and snow both will affect the game visually quite a bit.

Originally Posted by labguy
Chase I know you can't release all info because of EA's restrictions. Can you give a yes or no if online franchise has been touched at all? I've seen plenty of mention about 100+ additions to offline franchise mode. I just want to know if online franchise got any love whatsoever.
From what I've gathered, some time was spent on it. Not sure what improvements are being made yet or anything, but yeah.

Originally Posted by TDKing
I understand and I'm all for improved presentation, I'm just saying it will take more than new camera angles for cut scenes to keep the game fresh. I'm also wondering if all this new presentation stuff will be available in online games ?
I agree with this sentiment. And I would say their cuts are still not perfectly refined yet. They pointed out a couple broken cameras, and then other times the camera would not focus on the right players after a play etc. -- this is what bug fixing and so forth are for right now. I would assume these presentation elements are available online because it's not like the replays during a game or the halftime highlights in 2K11, which probably take up a lot more memory/bandwith and thus are not available online.

Originally Posted by Da-Man
Chase do you think that the presentation upgrades made to madden 12 will finally put the LAST GEN football game comparisons to rest?

Secondly is it on par with nba 2k11 and mlb11 the show?
I think it is up to you guys to decide when you want to stop talking about last-gen games.

I think it would be really hard for Madden to catch those franchises in one year in the presentation department. I also think football games are at a disadvantage in this area because there are a lot more players on the field, and the pace of play is not really conducive to certain presentation elements that video game football can really highlight and keep fresh.

Originally Posted by poopoop
I can understand and appreciate this, NBA2k did the same thing basically and succeeded with it. But it begs the question, if the goal is to create a Madden broadcast as opposed to an ESPN one...why buy an ESPN license? Just a shame that they own the license and refuse to use it. Even the commentary is done by people who aren't affiliated with ESPN.
I think this is a valid point, but I would also say it's not like they don't use it. They do integrate it into the game via real-life scores and ESPN Radio updates and all that.

Originally Posted by FlyingFinn
I agree. We don't want EA presentation! We want CBS/ESPN presentation. If EA's presentation ideas were so good, don't you think we would already be seeing them on Sundays. IMO, it is pretty arrogant to think a bunch of software engineers can come up with "better" presentation ideas then the people who do it for a living.
Finn, I'm going to let your lack of reading comprehension slide this time because of the All-Pro 2K8 editor you just put out.
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