I still have not made it to the end of a game, but if they didn't try to point it out then my educated guess would be to say no.
As I have said before, sound is tough to gauge at these events. I will focus on this perhaps at E3, but for now I just don't have much to say on this front. I agree that this aspect is important.
What would be the fun of that? Gameplay preview early next week, though I can't say if I'll really be too high or low about gameplay.
Not sure how it affects the gameplay yet, but the snow looks really good, and the rain and snow both will affect the game visually quite a bit.
From what I've gathered, some time was spent on it. Not sure what improvements are being made yet or anything, but yeah.
I agree with this sentiment. And I would say their cuts are still not perfectly refined yet. They pointed out a couple broken cameras, and then other times the camera would not focus on the right players after a play etc. -- this is what bug fixing and so forth are for right now. I would assume these presentation elements are available online because it's not like the replays during a game or the halftime highlights in 2K11, which probably take up a lot more memory/bandwith and thus are not available online.
I think it is up to you guys to decide when you want to stop talking about last-gen games.
I think it would be really hard for Madden to catch those franchises in one year in the presentation department. I also think football games are at a disadvantage in this area because there are a lot more players on the field, and the pace of play is not really conducive to certain presentation elements that video game football can really highlight and keep fresh.
I think this is a valid point, but I would also say it's not like they don't use it. They do integrate it into the game via real-life scores and ESPN Radio updates and all that.
Finn, I'm going to let your lack of reading comprehension slide this time because of the All-Pro 2K8
editor you just put out.