05-04-2011, 03:06 AM
Working for the weekend
OVR: 32
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Davenport, Iowa
Posts: 4,710
Re: Ricky Stanzi
He has good athleticism and size, throws a decent deep ball (with the potential to improve), has run a pro-style offense for 3 years and has shown the willingness to put the time into the film room. Ricky Stanzi has the measurables - 6'4", 230, and is reasonably athletic. He's got a very high efficiency rating as well. He is a genuinely wonderful person (gives of his time to University Hospital and to those less fortunate than he). He is bright and very adept at giving the right answer in interviews.
But, as a fan, I am frequently driven to distraction by some of his inexplicably inaccurate throws. He has thrown beautiful long passes. But at times, he misses throws that would have been touchdowns. It is not just long throws, but also intermediate and short throws. Sometimes beautiful timing and touch and sometimes just misses open receivers.
GT: Herkyalert
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