05-05-2011, 06:26 PM
OVR: 14
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Orange County
Posts: 2,002
Re: OS Greatest Baseball Team Ever Tournament -- SIGN UP now!!
Basically for an at bat, there are 3 dice rolled that comes up with a number from 000 to 999. The batter card has number 000 through 499 and the pitcher card has numbers 500 through 999. You then need to look at left righty matchups and the card has the result of the play on it.
there are die rolls for range, bizarre, umpire, deep drive plays that rolled. The game automatically consults the different charts for these types of situations and rolls the dice to determine the result.
That is the basics. Hope that helps. There are options in the game to see all of the game engine (the type of rolls that are made and so on).