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Old 05-12-2011, 02:47 PM   #5
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Re: Online Franchise

Originally Posted by Trojan Man
The travesty that is this mode has to be one of the most disappointing developments in Madden in the current generation. In M10 it was touted as a major breakthrough and was held up as a hallmark of the game's new direction. I was excited for that and was willing to overlook for one year the absence of a salary cap, the 100% disclosure of the rookie ratings, the terrible draft interface, and the lack of a free-agent bidding system. When the second year came and this feature received zero upgrades I was upset but still rolled with it.

For M12, I have to think that EA will do something with the mode simply for the sake of good conscience. The XFN site's stat-tracking ability needs to be implemented. A true salary cap needs to be there. And something major has to be done about the rookie draft classes. This mode will be borderline unplayable if the draft classes remain the same for 3 years straight.

On that score I'd suggest a couple of minor fixes:
1) Push the first 4 classes from this year to the back of the queue;
2) Randomize the potentials for each individual draft class in each individual OF;
3) Eliminate the ability to scout potential;
4) Hide all the ratings, save those that would be revealed in a combine-type workout and a select few that could be revealed through scouting;
5) Limit the ability to scout rookies to 1/2 or 1/3 of what it currently is in the offline mode.

The most important one to me is #2. It kills an OF for everyone to know who the A and B potential guys are and what each of their attributes is before each draft. Spreadsheets go up as soon as the game drops that take all the risk and lots of the fun out of the draft. If each draft class got a randomized set of potentials, such sheets couldn't exist, and each OF would have its own unique set of rookies and draft experiences.

I'm sure someone will tell me that this is too hard to do, as that's the typical response over here, but I have to believe there's a way that's not prohibitively difficult.
Right on the money TM. Something tells me though that there will probably be minimal if ANY changes made to the mode. I couldn't believe they came out and said, "no one really used this mode". Yeah, that's like producing a car that doesn't have wheels or a gas pedal and saying, "we stopped making it because no one drove it."
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