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Old 05-14-2011, 02:00 AM   #5
Cyphre's Arena
OVR: 9
Join Date: Mar 2008
Re: PYS 2011 v PYS 2010

Originally Posted by MukaMuka
Agreed, Super Gloak.

PYS 2011 has way better graphics, TV style presentation, and better modes, but in my opinion 2010 has slightly better gameplay balance.

Because the heavy ball is gone, if you are good at hitting, and you try to play 2011 with the same options you used in the previous years, you will see way too many homeruns. There are solutions though (since there are still a lot of difficulties, pitch speed, and batting cursor options). There are also a bunch of minor annoyances that will bother long-time PYS veterans. It just seems not as polished as Konami baseball games are supposed to be.

Honestly though, I am in love with 2011 as much if not more than 2010. I will try to make a post on all the changes I can remember gameplay wise 2010 VS 2011 in the next few days.
Aren't alot of those options and more (allegedly) going to be purchase items on the network market? (what network....right?) LMAO
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