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Old 05-16-2011, 03:01 AM   #7
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Re: Madden 12 Improvements

Originally Posted by FlyEaglesFly3
Eh it could mean that, but I think it's more about the cheesy blitz you can do with contain.

If you rush one guy from the right and put a guy in contain on the left (or vice versa) as soon as the QB begins to scramble/move out of the pocket the contain LB will shoot in an the OL will not recognize him.
This is one of the more outrageous ones.
Help me out here... What's so outrageous about this blitz?

Whenever I watch a blitz on youtube, I immediately watch for the number of rushers, the number of blockers, the formation, and how many steps the QB takes in his drop, and the technique used to create spacing. These are basically the same thing I look for in real games...

This blitz was a 6 on 5 with the LBs in contain in an attempt to widen the tackles. The O formation would be ideal to keep QB clean if the backs weren't running directly toward the defenders covering them AND/OR they blocked. The QB takes enough steps to complete any of the 3 and 5-step routes.

This is one of those instances where 5 offensive linemen aren't enough to block when the backs release through traffic. Having them flare to the flats would actually do the same thing to the defensive coverage that the defense is trying to do to the offensive line...

Someone please help me see the 'exploit' in this blitz?

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