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Old 05-19-2011, 04:50 PM   #600
Thinking Out Loud
Thinking Out Loud's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Re: Madden NFL 12 Blog - Franchise Mode in Madden 12

Originally Posted by Broncos86
I don't understand how using something like player progression can negate improvements such as expanded rosters and IR fixed, preseason making a difference, etc. You're pointing out player progression (which can be argued either way) versus aspects of franchise that this very forum and others like it have begged and pleaded to get for years. And now we FINALLY have expanded rosters, fixed IR, and more, and you're willing to cancel all of that for a subjective argument on player progression?
Whoa horsey! LOL

It seems like you are grazing over my post and acting as if I am making an unreasonable statement. I don't see what is "subjective" or can be "argued" about, concerning the player progression paradox, I referenced. It's very easy for ANYBODY to confirm through, an internet or OS search. I even stated a possible reason for why this was done but maybe you galloped past that.

As far as the features you listed that have been added, where have I said or even implied that historic next-gen Madden rhetoric should "negate" or "cancel all of that"? Blinders might have caused you to miss what I said about DPP having "the POTENTIAL to make Madden 12 the most immersive and organic football game experience, to date", on the same page as your reply.

What I was referring to by "upgrades" was NOT the presence of features but how close to intended and/or described they operate, according to yearly next-gen Madden EA rhetoric.

You might want to hold you horses the next time before jumping the gun.

I meant no disrespect with this reply, just having some personal goofy fun with your user name. And as a life-long Redskins fan, now that we have Shanahan, maybe Denver is willing to trade Champ Bailey and a 2nd round pick back for Clinton Portis! LOL
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