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Old 05-20-2011, 12:07 AM   #456
Big Shmooz
OVR: 5
Join Date: Apr 2009
Re: MLB 11 The Show Title Update 1.16 Fix List

Originally Posted by spitoon
I don't use analog hitting, but this is not my understanding...

The left stick is not functional in analog hitting in everything that I have read about it.

When you swing forward with the right stick, you are to go inside or outside (left/right) with it to determine what side of the plate you are covering. The up/down aspect is automatically determined by the CPU based on timing and batter attributes.
May I ask how one swings right or left if they are swinging up? I don't understand how this is done. It seems to me that this is sort of like saying that if I am walking forward I should walk sideways at the same time. How is that physically possible?
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