05-23-2011, 11:02 AM
Re: Chatting With Josh Looman About Madden's Franchise Mode (Part 1)
Heck I'd just be happy if they put back in what they took out over the years.
I still don't understand why the PS2 version has more features then the "Next Gen"
Systems like PS3 and Xbox360.
Having multiple custom uniforms and create a uniform would be nice, being able to do this to your team in franchise. Also if moving a team keeping the uniform. Heck when the Raiders went to LA nothing changed but the city.
Same with Stadiums. If you but the stupid upgrades have them actually show up. Even be able to upgrade and design a new stadium with current team...not having to move the team to do so.
Those are two simple things that should be in franchise. I'm so sick of EA taking things out of games how about actually adding to the games and making them better for a change.
I hate exclusive rights to sports games, having different companies making games made for better games, and gave the consumer the option to buy. With only one NFL or MLB maker the company that got the contract got super lazy and made horrible games. Madden hasn't come out with a good version in almost 5 years.
But they had a great game with Head Coach and dropped it????? But they keep pumping out watered down versions of Madden each year....makes no sense.